Community Care Services is an approved Home Care Packages (HCP) and Consumer Directed Care (CDC) provider to provide a range of ‘at home’ services for people 65 years old and over so that they remain independent at home and enjoy a quality of life with dignity for as long as possible. All clients must be assessed by an Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT) to be eligible for a package.
The Consumer Directed Care (CDC) is a model of care aimed to give the client and or their representative more choices and control over their services. Focus is on wellness, reablement and enhancing and maintaining independence. An important part of the CDC is that it is all about building on what you CAN do. It is about helping you to continue to live a good life at home.
There are 4 levels of HCP:
Level (1) – basic needs – may include cleaning, social support, centre based activities, maintenance
Level (2) – designed to meet a person’s daily needs with tasks such as showering, meals, transport, community events with a rehabilitation focus
Level (3) – in addition to level 2, there is a nursing input in the design and on-going management of assessed needs.
Level (4) – for people with complex care needs, who may be suffering from dementia or other cognition deficit.
HCP's can offer the following services:
Personal Care (dressing, showering, bathing, toileting, etc.)
Nursing Assistance (nursing, allied health and therapy services)
In-Home Respite
Home Modifications
Gardening and General Home Maintenance
Social Support
Meal Preparation
Domestic Assistance
Here at GOCSA we seek to ensure clients:
• Have relevant information to make informed choices about the type of care they receive.
• Receive quality services that meet their assessed needs.
• Receive coordinated, planned and reliable services.
• Are encouraged to exercise their preferred level of social independence.
• Have their dignity and privacy respected and can access personal information.
• Have access to fair and effective procedures for dealing with complaints and disputes.
• Can access an advocate of their choice.
If you would like further information on our HCP Program please contact our office on (08) 7088 0500.
Please go to www.myagedcare.gov.au or phone 1800 200 422 for an ACAT assessment.