The Greek Orthodox Community Care Services has established a privately operated Brokerage Agency under the Greek Orthodox Community SA Inc.
This has been as a direct response to increased requests from other main stream agencies as well as individuals and families to provide culturally and linguistically appropriate care services.
How can we assist you?
GOCSA Brokerage Agency can broker trained bi-lingual, bi-cultural workers to your agency to support Greek speaking clients requiring in-home support services such as Personal Care, Respite Care, Domestic Assistance, companionship and much more…
Our Community Support Workers will:
1. Be matched specifically to complement the needs and personalities of your clients.
2. Can play a significant role in enhancing the quality of your Agency’s service provision.
3. Are trained through an extensive multi-phased training program.
4. If providing Personal Care, will have a minimum of Certificate III in Aged Care.
5. Are insured for public liability insurance and workers compensation.
6. Have a current National Police Clearance certificate.
7. Can also act as Cultural Consultant for Main Stream Services.
Our Guarantee:
In assisting your clients, we will adhere to and respect your style, your staff, your policies and procedures.
We wish to complement the service that your Agency provides.
We will work with you to ensure best outcomes for the client by providing quality care and support.
Ensure that privacy and confidentiality is maintained at all times.
GOCSA Community Care Services can:
• Assist you to strengthen your knowledge of available resources (e.g. translated Greek material).
• Link you to our "Let's Go Greek" app which is a language application tool to assist workers, service providers and professionals in the health and ageing industry to communicate with their Greek speaking clients in a more effective manner. The list of words and phrases is not comprehensive but it is to be used as a quick reference of the most commonly used Greek words and phrases. The words and phrases are split into varying categories for ease of searching.
• Explore culturally sensitive care models and strategies.
• Suggest a broad range of suitable activities for your clients and how to develop them.
Please contact GOCSA Community Care Services directly for additional information or to provide you with cultural information which may assist you in providing a culturally responsive service.
Download Request for Services Form and return via:
Fax: 08 7088 0 514 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Mail: Community Care Services, 262 Franklin St, Adelaide SA 5000
Download GOCSA Brokerage Agency brochure
Download Brokerage Fees Schedule